20th Annual Dam Run
Event location
Brandywine Harley-Davidson
1241 Baltimore Pike, Chadds Ford, PA 19317
September 04, 2021 8:30AM – 3:00PM
20th Annual Dam Run sponsored by Brandywine Harley-Davidson
All proceeds from this year’s Dam Run will go to the “Save Connor” Cure Sanfilippo Foundation.
Registration: 8:30am – 10:30am
KSU: 11am
Free t-shirt with donation to the first 500 registered! (sizes while supplies last)
Ride leaves Brandywine H-D at 11AM sharp and heads to the Conowingo Dam where we turn around and head back to Brandywine H-D for afternoon festivities. Ride is roughly 1.5 hours long. Please come with a full tank of gas.
Breakfast available for purchase during registration by Cipolloni Catering.
Free beverages courtesy of WAWA Foundation.
Lunch available for purchase from Cipolloni Catering.
Free beer
RIDE THE BULL! Donate to the Save Connor foundation and take a chance at riding the bull! Longest ride wins a Brandywine gift card!
1st place – $100 Gift Card | 2nd place – $75 Gift Card | 3rd place – $50 Gift Card | 4th place – $25 Gift Card | 5th place – $25 Gift Card
Live music by Vinyl Logic – 12:30pm to 3pm
Must be 21+ to drink. Please drink responsibly.
Save Connor
Every parent’s worst nightmare is losing their child. And what if money is the one thing that stands in the way of your child’s chance to live? This is our reality. With your help, we can save Connor. Our son Connor is an energetic, joyful, and loving 12 year old. And he’s dying. We have one chance to change his fate and it has to happen now. We need your help to save Connor’s life, and children like him.
Recently, Connor was diagnosed with Sanfilippo Syndrome Type C, a genetic degenerative brain disorder in children caused by a single missing enzyme. It’s the worst disease you’ve never heard of. It’s like Alzheimer’s, but in children. It’s 100% fatal and there currently is no FDA-approved treatment or cure for these suffering children.
But there is hope! Researchers are ready to conduct the first-ever gene therapy clinical trial for Connor’s type of Sanfilippo Syndrome. This clinical trial is the crucial step of determining whether earlier research is able to show the same therapeutic benefits in children.
But it lacks funding. Millions are needed to fund the gene therapy drug production for children (aka medicine) and the clinical trial.
Our goal is to raise $3 million dollars to fund this clinical trial and give Connor a chance at growing up, a chance at life.
We can’t just sit back and accept that he’s going to fade away and die, not when there is something that could save him.

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