Sponsored by Freedom Valley Harley-Davidson® Sellersville PA.

IVHOG Chapter Meeting Notes – Feb-2025

February 2, 2025

Chapter Meeting


  • Update on Lisa Wagenseller
  • Yesterday was our Chili Cook Off – 8 members and 2 FV employees participated.  Great turnout by our members (out numbered the outsiders).  Trying to figure out why the attendance was as low as it was FV only posted on their Facebook page, not on regular media.  Dave Webb was the winner and John Worthington presented him with the “Woody”.  Need to move next time to the area we used to be at where the used bikes are and have a Hog table set up where members can talk about the club and get more people to sign up.  
  • Last Saturday was the Holiday Party….great time….good food and music.  Just hope for a better turnout in the future.  Thanked all the volunteers who put the party together.
  • Time to start thinking about events for 2025…..if anyone has an idea for a ride or event, please let us know.
  • Bryan has stepped down as Safety Officer due to his travel schedule.  Dave Webb is now the new Safety Officer.   Mary Ellen has stepped down and Phil is the new Membership Officer.
  • Benefit for Mike Martin – Saturday, March 8th at the Forrest Lodge VFW in Sellersville, PA from 1:00 – 5:00 P.M.  Gave an update on Mike’s condition.  
  • Upcoming InterClub events:
    • 3/15 – Bacco Montgomery County biggest fundraising of year at Lansdale VFW
    • 5/18 – American Riders Annual Beef & Beer
    • 6/28 – Messengers MC Pancake Breakfast
    • 6/28 – Leathernecks Annual Bash
  • GM Freedom Valley:
    • Terry is no longer with Freedom Valley.  Bryan Burk is now the new General Manager.  He couldn’t attend the meeting today, but will in the future.

Safety Officer:

  • Thanked Bryan for years of service and continued help.
  • Think the job of a Safety Officer is just to keep bringing up things to remind us what to look out for, how to be a safer group and safer individual.  
  •  A lot of salt on the road lately, detrimental to bike frames, etc., makes everything white and covers up hazards on the road….be mindful.


  • 101 new members as of today and one new member.


  • Running sale on t-shirts – $15.


  • Follow up on the Chili Cook Off had a good attendance by the club and participation by those who made the chili and desserts.  Feels Freedom Valley did not do a good job promoting the event.

Ladies of Harley:

  • Thank you to all who participated and those who attended the Chili Cook Off.
  • LOH meeting on Sunday, March 16th at J.T. Bankers at 12:00 P.M.


  • Separate report on available funds; income and use.
  • Any ideas for next party, please let me or Bonny know so we can plan.

Meeting Adjourned

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