Kure 4 Kylie Beard Challenge
CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW: https://www.gofundme.com/a85p6waz
Please help us raise money for this beautiful little girl and her family. She is 7 years old and and has been diagnosed with leukemia this past august. She has been very strong through this time of difficulty and somehow maintains a smile. She has a long road ahead of her yet.
So George is saying if we reach $2500 he will shave his beard off, which has not been shaved off since 1984. So come on people. Lets help this little girl and at the same time see what he looks like under that beard. If we hit our goal there will be a video of the beard coming off. Kylie gets to make the first cut. If by some chance we top $3000 the head will be shaved also.
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