Please be advised that due to pending adverse weather conditions, the decision has been made to postpone the RFTH until June 10th. Unfortunately, I was unable to secure the Moose to have a regular monthly meeting for this week either. I know that this postponement creates a conflict for some of us with Gold Star Mothers and the Hillclimb also being on the 10th, but everyone will have to decide which to attend. Continue reading
Thank You IVHOG
I would like to thank all of the members of IV HOG that took time out of their busy weekend schedules to join in on some very meaningful events. Saturday we went out in full force to Fort Indiantown Gap Memorial Cemetery for an event honoring veterans. Although I did not do a full count, I would guess that we were about 50 bikes strong that day !!! At the Cabela's staging location, the Prez of another club asked me how I got so many members out that day. Continue reading
Annual Relay for Life – Mike Guldin & the Rollin 8 Tumblers
Annual Relay for Life - Mike Guldin & the Rollin 8 Tumblers, if you are Looking for something fun to do Saturday night,a special guest will be there you don't want to miss this and you will be able to help others at the same time Continue reading
First Annual Run to the Gap
I had mentioned at the last meeting about a run to Fort Indiantown Gap that was being organized, to replace the Rolling Thunder ride to DC. This event is to support local veterans.
The event is co-sponsored by the Federal Concerned Organizations and Inter Clubs of Bucks and Montgomery County.
I have advised Russell of BCMC that we would like to meet with his group and ride together to the meeting place at Cabelas. Here are the details
Saturday May 26th, 2018 Meeting at WAWA, Skippack, Route 113 with the BCMC members. KSU PROMPTLY at 8:00 AM Continue reading
Sad News
As you will recall, several weeks ago we were called upon to join a ride for a little girl, Teresa, that loves bikes and had an inoperable brain tumor. The Knights put out the call to arms, as it were, for anyone that could join in to please do so for a ride to the house for Teresa. I am sorry to report that Teresa passed away on April 24th.
Her viewing will be held from 9 AM until 11 AM on Saturday, May 5th, at Calvary Church, 820 Route 113, Souderton.
The family has asked that you wear pink or bright happy colors. Internment, due to location size, is limited to family only. Continue reading
Ride on Red law goes into effect across Pennsylvania
HARRISBURG, Pa. -- A new law which allows drivers to go through some red lights went into effect across Pennsylvania on Sunday.
Act 101, more commonly known as the "Ride on Red" law, gives anyone on the road the option to go through red lights as long as they use common sense and caution.
Essentially, if a stop light is unresponsive, and no one is coming the other way, the new law, sponsored by Rep. Stephen Bloom (R-Cumberland), states that someone can legally drive through the intersection. Continue reading
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Man & Woman of the Year campaign
I want to see the end of blood cancer, so I have decided to participate in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Man & Woman of the Year campaign. Over the next 10 weeks my team and I will be raising as many dollars as possible to help fund therapies that save the lives of blood cancer patients everyday.
I'm asking you to help by making a tax-deductible contribution! Please use the link below to donate online quickly and securely. You will receive an email confirmation of your donation as soon as it is made. Continue reading
4 th Annual Bike Blessing At Hannum’s Harley Davidson April 21 , 2018
4 th Annual Bike Blessing
At Hannum's Harley Davidson
April 21 , 2018 @ 11 AM
( Rain Date will be April 22, 2018 @ 2 PM )
Hannum's Harley-Davidson
& Motorcyclists for Jesus Ministries
4th Annual Bike Blessing!!
For more information contact Saunde Briggs General Manager
Hannum's Harley-Davidson Sellersville, PA 215·257·6112 www.hannumshd.com or the
Gospel Riders TEAM For more information contact Fred at 215·234·8611 or
www.pagospelriders.com/ Continue reading
As I was riding home this afternoon I couldn't help but think about our wonderful chapter. A quick posting for a special event and our turnout was second to none. I have said it before and you will no doubt hear me say it many times, I AM PROUD TO REPRESENT THIS CLUB !!! A short ride to Bedminster as a fundraiser for a terminally ill 7 year old girl, and we had over 20 of our bikes out there in the cold. Every other club that was there came up to me and expressed their gratitude for the number of people we had attend. The overall turnout was great, but when you look at the percentage of the attendees, we were again the highest of all !!! The girl's father was crying when he spoke with me and he could not thank me enough for our organization to be there for our support. Continue reading
This coming Sunday, March 18th, the Knights of PA club is organizing a "Ride for Teresa". Teresa is a 7 year old girl that has been battling brain cancer, Glioblastoma, for a few years now. She has had many surgeries, chemo, etc. Recently the doctors realized that in spite of surgery and treatments, her cancer has spread and is terminal. She is a lover of bikes, as we all are, but has never seen a large group of bikes together. Continue reading
Once again, IV HOG does not disappoint !!! Last Saturday, February 17th, Hannums Electric City had their grand opening. IV HOG showed up in full force, I know we had at least 30 of our HOGS and HOGGETTES there, maybe more, not sure, I cannot count any higher !!! Tom Hannum was quite impressed when he saw all of the IV HOG vests floating around the showroom, and spending money of course !! I just wanted to thank each and every one of you that made the trip up there for this event. I discussed the HOG chapter there at length with Tom and he is going to try to make it a more active chapter and hopefully gain membership. Continue reading
Harley-Davidson recalling 250,000 motorcycles
Harley-Davidson is recalling 250,000 motorcycles around the world to fix an issue that can cause their brakes to fail.
U.S. safety regulators pressured the company to take the action, which overs 30 different bikes from the 2008-2011 model years.
The recall notice says that "deposits may form on components within the brake system if the DOT 4 brake fluid is not replaced for a prolonged period of time beyond the 2-year maintenance schedule specified in the Owner’s Manual.” Continue reading
Grand Opening: Hannums Electric City Harley Davidson
As we have discussed, Hannums has purchased Rommels HD in Scranton. Their Grand Opening is Saturday, February 17th. There are a number of us that plan on heading up for the event. A suggestion was made today that depending on… Continue reading
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Here we are at the end of another exciting year. There are those times when you sit back and reflect on past things, assuming of course you can remember any of them !!! 2017 brought a lot of joy and heartache to us, having lost members as well as many others in the motorcycle community, here's hoping that 2018 is better to us !. Continue reading
Nina Owens (The woman that sews patches at most of the events we attend) is looking to assist a military family in need of items for Christmas and general help fixing up their home. If you can help with anything, please bring any of the following to the meeting on Sunday or Contact Pete Frentzen to make drop off arrangements. If you can't help with any of the following, gift cards or cash donations are welcome. Continue reading