“The Hurt Report” Summary of Findings
"The Hurt Report" (AKA "Motorcycle Accident Cause Factors and Identification of Countermeasures") A brief summary of the findings is listed below. Throughout the accident and exposure data there are special observations which relate to accident and injury causation and characteristics of the motorcycle accidents studied. These findings are summarized as follows: Continue reading
In Memoriam – Richard Weber
Richard (Dick) Weber passed away peacefully at the age of 86 after a long battle with Parkinson's disease. He was the beloved husband of Edna, and they were married for 65 years this past December. She has lovingly cared for him since his Parkinson's diagnosis over 12 years ago. Dick lived in Abington most of his life and graduated from Abington High School. He was the son of Charles and Eva Weber. Continue reading
Mistakes New Riders Make in the first 6 Months
Your newfound fascination with motorcycling has you chomping at the bit to get out and ride until your glutes can’t take it anymore. And then you want to go out and do it again. Nothing can come between you and the open road, or any road for that matter. You’re a beginner motorcyclist, and you’ll never grow tired of this two-wheeled passion. But heading out for a ride without really thinking about what you’re getting yourself into is asking for trouble, or worse, a trip to the hospital or a permanent dirt nap. There are a bevy of stupid mistakes new riders make in their first six months, and they’re not nearly as obscure as you might think. We’ve compiled a list of the most egregious and detrimental mistakes, and it’s not a terrible idea for you seasoned riders to review it too. Continue reading
3rd Annual SAP Ride for Veterans – Newtown Square, PA
On Saturday, September 30, 2017, riders will travel by police escort from the SAP Newtown Square office to Harley-Davidson Vehicle Operations in York, PA. There they will meet up with hundreds of other riders participating in the annual Harley-Davidson Open House. The manufacturing plant will be open for tours there will be a variety of activities, including demos of all new Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Continue reading
Harley-Davidson just released the new Road King Special for 2017. This is a huge deal for a few reasons. One being the poor Road King always got the short end of the stick when it came to advancements in technology and style because as H-D said “It is meant to have the classic look.” It was last to get the hydraulic clutch in the Touring family, even the ultras got the new styled lighting in the rear and the poor old Road King was still rocking that dookie giant chrome cross bar honeycomb turn signal setup. Continue reading
AMA seeks knowledgeable riders
The Federal Highway Administration announced the establishment of a Motorcyclist Advisory Council. "The MAC will coordinate with and advise the FHWA Administrator on infrastructure issues of concern to motorcyclists, including: (1) barrier design; (2) road design, construction, and maintenance practices; and (3) the architecture and implementation of intelligent transportation system technologies." Continue reading
Tips to Avoid Dehydration While Motorcycling
Many motorcyclists don’t factor in the dangers of dehydration when going out on a long ride on a hot summer’s day. There could be many reasons for this, but one has to be that many riders don’t see riding their motorbike as a strenuous sports activity, like football or a workout at the gym for example. The act is that many variables exist that affect motorcyclist while out on the road, and these can combine to make dehydration a serious and potentially lethal problem. Continue reading
Ride to Memorial Wall & H-D of Washington DC
It was a great ride to the DC Harley dealer. No incidents. But hot, hot, hot. Bob and Tom did a great job of keeping us together. 18 bikes.
Thank you and “God Bless America” Continue reading
One Way Signs Back up at Hannum’s Of Sellersville
In case you have not noticed, the One Way Signs are Back up at Hannum's Of Sellersville Continue reading
Warming Up A Harley-Davidson Motorcycle | Motorcyclist
My next-door neighbor has a Harley. He also has the annoying habit of starting it in the driveway and letting it idle for 10 to 15 minutes before he takes off. I say annoying because his pipes rattle the windows in my house until he’s gone. I know there isn’t much chance of talking him out of the pipes—we’ve had the “loud pipes save lives” discussion before—but what can I do to convince him not to leave the bike idling for so long? I asked him about it once and all he said was, “It’s good for the bike.” Is it really? - Steve Dickens / San Ysidro, CA
Answer: Continue reading
Ride for Recovery XII 2016
An annual motorcycle run and family picnic that raises proceeds to benefit our patient care programs and enhance public awareness for recovery from addiction. Sunday, May 22nd, 2016 - 9:00 AM | Motorcycle Registration - 9:00 AM | Family Picnic – 11:00 AM. Livengrin Foundation: 4833 Hulmeville Rd. Bensalem, PA 19020 Continue reading
In Memoriam – Robert A. “Bud” Wagenseller
Robert A. “Bud” Wagenseller of Perkasie died Tuesday March 8, 2016 surrounded by his family at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. He was 85. Bud was born in Philadelphia and was the son of the late Albin and Estella Wagenseller. Bud was a Naval Veteran of the Korean War and had been employed as an Iron Worker with the Ironworkers Local 40. He had the privilege of working on many area buildings including the World Trade Center Towers in New York. Continue reading
From the desk of your Head Road Captain
Due to concerns arising from rides, we will now be rating the rides as follows:
1.Easy - may consist of straight highways and consistent speeds geared toward the beginner rider.
2.Intermediate - may consist of twistees, more difficult roads and varying speeds.
3.Experienced - may consist of twistees, back roads, higher speeds and geared toward the more advanced rider.
Continue reading
Sellersville Fire Departmen Benefit: Win 2016 Heritage Softail Classic
Benefits: Sellersville Fire Department
What: Win a 2016 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail Classic $30.00 a ticket Benefits: Sellersville Fire Department
What: Win a 2016 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail Classic $30.00 a ticket
2016 Heritage Softail Classic
Hannum's Harley-Davidson of SellersvilleDrawing will be held on July 16th 2016 at the Sellersville Fire Department Carnival
Winner is responsible for sales Tax and any other applicable taxes/forms.
No cash prize (Bike only)
Winner need not be present to win
Transaction to be completed at Hannum's Harley-Davidson in Sellersville
Ticket can be purchased online at http://www.sellersvilleFD.com/Raffle
Only 1500 Tickets will be sold. Continue reading
Directors Ramblings – Update on Rich Lanning
Had a good visit with Rich. He has come a long way and still a ways to go but getting better. They had him on his feet (with help) today and before I left they lifted him to a chair. I managed to get a smile out of him from time to time. What they get him out of bed with looks like what they use to pull engines out of cars. Rich has told me that he has some engineering changes he would like to do to the lift to make it better. Another example that he is getting better and in better spirits. Continue reading