Indian Valley H.O.G.

Sponsored by Freedom Valley Harley-Davidson® Sellersville PA.

In memory of Bonnie Wentz Miner

These are words I have to say, Since God came down and took you away, For three weeks you wanted to fly,... It broke my heart you had to die. You were my blue skies, you were my bright sun, You'll always be my Number 1. Now you are my bright star, I hope you didn't fly too far. When it gets dark and day is done, I hope I'm still your Number 1. When I am old and sick and when I die, I pray to God with you I'll fly. From your loving husband. Poem written by IVHOG Member Ron Miner... Continue reading

2015 Harley-Davidson Catalog

2015 H-D Catalogs | Harley-Davidson USA are available online. MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS How do you roll with your reading? Take your pick of catalogs here and choose the way you want to receive them: Online, downloadable PDF and by mail. Continue reading

Stolen Harley-Davidson Motorcycle found after 42 Years

CARSON, Calif. (KABC) -- After 42 years, a stolen classic Harley-Davidson was found at the L.A./Long Beach seaport, and it's being returned to its rightful owner. North Carolina resident Edgar Johnson Junior reunited with his father's 1954 Harley-Davidson Hydra-Glide motorcycle on Thursday. "Words can't describe how I'm feeling today," said Johnson. "It's wonderful." Continue reading

Ramblings by Doc Medich-September 2014

Riding season is going by so fast, warp speed, to say the least. Gary Bergey and the road captains have done a solid job this year planning events and many of our members are going on the rides and attending the events. Planning of the rides, execution (doing the ride), participation, and safety are important factors. With the fall season underway new obstacles that require awareness present themselves. Continue reading

ID Tags information

Personal Identification for When you can't speak for yourself. Designed to be the first point of reference in an emergency. There are many ID tag services available as John Quigley mentioned at the meeting Continue reading

Easy Rider, Motorcyclists and motorists – have each other’s backs this summer

In June, off-duty police officer Milan Merke was taking part in a Midnight Run for Peace with the motorcycle group Men United for a Better Philadelphia. Their goal was to create awareness and prevent violence in the city. Over the years, the group has organized rides involving hundreds of motorcyclists through the most dangerous neighborhoods of Philadelphia. This ride would be Merke’s last. An SUV made a left-hand turn into his path and they collided, reported Philadelphia news station WPVI-TV. Eight days later, Merke passed away. He was 28 years old. Continue reading

Two motorcyclists hurt in wreck on Route 78 near Exit 24

Two people were injured this morning when their motorcycle crashed on Route 78 eastbound near Exit 24 (Oldwick) around 11 a.m. Dennis Douglass, 62 and Carol Douglass, 67, both of Perkasie, Pa., were flown away by Atlantic Air helicopter to Morristown Medical Center. One of the victims was initially unconscious, according to an emergency radio report. The helicopter landed on the highway to pick them up. Continue reading

Motorcycle enthusiast claims Harley voided warranty over American flag

A former state lawmaker from Chippewa Falls who has logged more miles on a Harley-Davidson than probably anyone on the planet says Harley has voided the warranty on his bike because there are too many flags flown on it, including a 3x5-foot American flag. Dave Zien, who rode more than a million miles on his 1991 Harley that's now parked in the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame in South Dakota, says Harley-Davidson refused to honor the warranty on his new motorcycle after the clutch and transmission failed on a recent trip to Dallas. Continue reading

Judy Macy – Why I Ride

Throughout our 25 years of marriage (and 6 years dating), Dan had mentioned time and again that he would love to get a motorcycle. I would never hold him back from his dreams and ambitions, however, I expressed my deepest concern about the village idiots in cages on the road, who would worry me to ulcers if he were sharing the road with them while on a motorcycle. Dan respected my concerns for many years. Continue reading

Ever wanted one of those Sport Cameras?

Well if you have thought it would be cool to get one of those GoPro Sport cameras that mount on everything from helmets, to handle bars and every body part you can imagine, but just could not justify pulling the trigger on the $399.00 Price Tag and then more for the extras. Check out some of these options before you run right out and buy one. Continue reading

HARLEY EXCLUSIVE! First Ride Harley Street 750

American Iron Magazine was given an exclusive sneak preview of Harley-Davidson’s new Street 750 last week, and our first ride on this international model, which is also available in the US, was rather revealing. First, we should point out that our ride was aboard a special reproduction model, so developmental changes are still in the works at this point, and what will ultimately be offered in showrooms could differ a bit from what we rode. Continue reading

UN passes resolution on global road rules

The United Nations’ General Assembly passed a resolution April 10 titled “Improving Global Road Safety.”Ambassador Suzanne Powers, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, agreed to cosponsor the resolution that “calls for laws to fight texting and driving." Her official remarks can be viewed by clicking here. However, the resolution also contains language calling for mandatory helmet laws and harmonization of vehicle regulations in the name of “safety.” This resolution is non-binding, but the American Motorcyclist Association wants you to be aware of the international momentum for laws and regulations that might affect you in the future. Continue reading
