BACA Mont Co Victims Benefit
Committed MC fundraiser for Little John
John Dickinson ( aka Little John )
Sad news to report. Little John of the Committed MC passed away this past Saturday the 27th at the age of 59. He suffered a massive heart attack a week prior and never responded to all of the things that… Continue reading
Freedom Valley Chili Cookoff
LOH Lunch Meeting
Funeral arrangements for John Worthington’s sister
Indian Valley HOG January 27th Party
January 14th at membership meeting is last date to purchase tickets!
$25 members and $30 n on-members
Last day to book a room at Hotel is Sunday January 7th!
Please email me at peastburn1955@gmail.com if interested and I will send… Continue reading
Committed MC Pancake Breakfast
The Committed Pancake Breakfast at the Red Hill Firehouse has been postponed until Saturday, December 2nd. Starts at 8 am and runs until noon. Cost is $15 per person. A nice time to gather with your fellow members and those… Continue reading
This coming Sunday the 12th is our November chapter meeting. Nominations are in for open positions and the candidates will speak at the meeting, if they so choose.
IN Addition, Mark Strauss, Esq. a local attorney, will be at the… Continue reading
Sweats for Vets
As I had mentioned at the October meeting, we are collecting sweats for vets at Freedom Valley. Specifically looking for sweat pants. There are 2 boxes set up at the dealership, one as you come in the front door, and… Continue reading