Indian Valley H.O.G.

Sponsored by Freedom Valley Harley-Davidson® Sellersville PA.

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Dennis Douglass

On Monday, February 1st, Dennis Douglass passed away unexpectedly. Dennis was originally a member of the Coopersburg Chapter but has been with IV HOG since their closure. He was only 69 years old. Memorial services are not yet available but will be at a future date. Continue reading

A Message – Ron Hawkins

I met up with Pete today for lunch and without getting into to much details on here , I just wanted to say that I’m both honored and humbled to be part of the Indian Valley HOG family . Thank you so much and I love you all !!!!! Continue reading

Holiday Discount at Freedom Valley

Freedom Valley Harley Davidson is increasing the HOG discount to 20% on purchases of licensed HD merchandise until 12-31. This is a one time discount. The sales folks have the vouchers at the counter. All you need to do is identify yourself as a HOG member and they will handle applying the discount. Our thanks to Tommy Hannum for making this offer. Continue reading

Chapter Meeting Cancelled

As much as we hate to do it, the Officers have decided that it is best to cancel the December 13th Chapter Meeting. As the weather got colder we knew we would have to move the meeting indoors. As it stands right now, the Moose is limited to a maximum of 50 people indoors. It would not make any sense for us to hold the meeting and possibly have to turn members away. That being said, I am hopeful that in January we are back to normal and can begin conducting business as usual. If you have any questions, or anything that you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact me at 267-446-1326 or Thank you Continue reading


Good evening, hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving with family and friends. We have begun a food drive at Freedom Valley to benefit Pennridge Fish. This is a local 501c3 non-profit that helps the needy in the Pennridge area. Due to so many people being out of work, their need for donations this year is greater than ever. Clay and I have placed collection boxes at the dealership for you to drop off much needed non-perishable food items, as well as toiletries, etc. I am hoping that everyone can get behind this worthwhile cause and drop off some items. Continue reading

Food Drive and Bash tickets

I will be at Freedom Valley today from 10-noonish for anyone that wants to drop off food or pick up tickets for the Holiday Bash!! I plan on leaving around 12 but if you want tickets and can be there by 1 please text or call me (215-892-4922) and I can wait for you. Food boxes will stay at Freedom Valley and food donations can be dropped anytime during store hours. I will also be down there this Sat from 9am-12pm selling tickets. Anyone who wants tickets and can't meet during the times I post please reach out to me and we'll figure out a meeting place or I can possibly drop off for you. Thanks, Clay Continue reading

2020 Holiday Bash

The 2020 Holiday Bash is fast approaching!! January 16th from 6-10pm at The Proper Brewing Co. in Quakertown. Tickets are available now.. $25 members and $30 for non-members!! I will have some dates soon that I will be at Freedom Valley (mostly Thurs & Fri afternoons and Saturdays). I am planning on going on the Toys for Tots run this Sat if you want tickets, bring your money with you. If you're not going on the ride and want tickets just meet me before the KSU time!! Please be sure to check our site frequently as my work schedule changes frequently. I will most likely post updates on the day I'm heading to FV (except for Saturdays.. they will be in advance). See you soon, Clay. Continue reading

90th Birthday Drive By

Sandy Kester's mother is turning 90 years old !! I had the pleasure of meeting her a couple of times and we even taught her how to give the finger a couple years ago ! We would like to do a birthday drive by for her on November 1st, this coming Sunday. Meet at Wawa, across from Ralph's corner at 1:00 PM with KSU at 1:30 PM for ride to her residence in Lansdale Continue reading

The Holiday Bash

The annual Holiday Bash will be held on January 16th at the Proper Brewing company in Quakertown. We were unable to get a good date in December. Ticket price, time, and sales to be announced soon. Continue reading

Committed MC 4th Annual all you can eat Pancake Breakfast

Committed MC 4th Annual all you can eat Pancake Breakfast November 7th at the Red Hill Fire Company, 71 E 4th St, Red Hill, from 8 am until 12 pm. $10 donation, kids 5 and under, free. Due to Covid will be a little different this year. To keep within restrictions, besides indoors, they are hoping to have a tent set up outside also. This event benefits Veterans and their families. We usually have a good turnout for this event and I would like to see the same this year. Continue reading

How motorcycle clubs work – A beginner’s guide

There are various types of motorcycle clubs, and each one will work differently. What they all have in common is their primary purpose for existence, but other than that, they can differ quite a lot. These differences would include; their secondary purpose, internal organisation and club culture. Continue reading

October Chapter Meeting

We will have our October Chapter Meeting this coming Sunday, October 11th, 9:00 AM at the Pavilion across the street from the Sellersville Moose. In order to do all that we can to keep our members safe, we will meet outside as long as the weather permits. Early forecast shows showers but reasonable temperature, at least we are under cover! Continue reading

Cigar Night 2020

Saturday October 10th from 4pm-9pm hosted by Bill and Cheryl!! Please bring a chair, snack, drink, and favorite cigar!! Stay warm by the firepit while catching up with your fellow IVHog brothers and sisters!! Sorry for the late notice.. please spread the word!! Please contact me if you have any questions!! Hope to see you there!! Continue reading
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