Monthly Archives: September 2014
Ramblings by Doc Medich-September 2014
Riding season is going by so fast, warp speed, to say the least. Gary Bergey and the road captains have done a solid job this year planning events and many of our members are going on the rides and attending the events. Planning of the rides, execution (doing the ride), participation, and safety are important factors. With the fall season underway new obstacles that require awareness present themselves. Continue reading
Viewing for Elizabeth Frentzen Mother of Peter Frentzen
The Mother of one of our members Peter Frentzen has passed away, and we share in Peter's grief. Elizabeth A. 'Betty' (Beck) Frentzen of Willow Grove, passed away on Sept. 7, 2014. She was 88. She is survived by her husband, Sherman H. Frentzen; her children, Paul H. Frentzen (Patricia), Peter S. Frentzen (Anna), Gregory J. Frentzen Sr. (Mary Anne), and Lisa A. Ammaturo (Anthony); her 13 grandchildren; and 17 great grandchildren. Continue reading
ID Tags information
Personal Identification for When you can't speak for yourself. Designed to be the first point of reference in an emergency. There are many ID tag services available as John Quigley mentioned at the meeting Continue reading